Best Freelance Tools

Hundreds of tools used by 500,000+ freelancers

Bonsai is everything you need to run your business

Our all-in-one software suite makes it easy to manage your paperwork, keep track of your finances, be prepared for tax season, and more. With smart automation and deeply integrated product components, Bonsai can give you peace of mind to focus on your craft with online contracts and more.

Use Bonsai's clean and intuitive UI to create winning proposal templates or quote templates or scope of work templates and get notified when the client replies. Draft bullet-proof contract templates in minutes and easily send them for e-signature. A legally sound freelance contract template means you're always protected.

Get paid on time whenever you create and send professional invoice templates using Bonsai.

Bonsai also manages your finances by automatically importing your expenses from your bank, identifying all possible self employment tax write-offs to lower your taxable income in preparation for self employment taxes, and even help in filing your 1099 tax.

Are you ready to discover how Bonsai can help you create rock-solid marketing contract templates, custom graphic design contract templates and draft beautiful video production proposal templates?

Sign up for a 7-day free trial to see for yourself!

Trusted by thousands
of businesses
based on 1,000+ reviews from

“Scaling our operations like never before

Like putting our projects on auto-pilot”

Bonsai does the hard work”

Everything is streamlined”

Huge timesaver”

It’s been the most stress-free year of my life!”

“Beating established firms for the first time

Backbone of our projects”

“So simple”

“Clients love how easy our systems are

A must-have!”

“I do less admin and do more of what I love

“Worry-free contracts and invoices

“It pays for itself”

Great customer service!”

A life-saver!”

Clients take us more seriously”

“We upped our rates and won more clients

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be right with you

Our friendly, speedy, Customer Support has all the answers and is here to help you.

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Even easier to use

You get 7 days to try it for free. And if it's not what you expected, we guarantee your money back within the first two weeks.

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