Generate a professional contract in minutes

Create, send and e-sign contracts from legally vetted templates you can trust.

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Create a contract in 3 easy steps


Select your template

Choose from 100+ vetted contract templates or agreement templates.


Customize it

Edit your contract using our drag & drop builder. Add your branding to look even more professional.


E-sign it & send it

Use legally-binding e-signature to speed up the formalities and send your contract to your client.

Browse & edit Bonsai’s contract templates

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Learn more about creating a contract with Bonsai

Protect your business

Pick from a variety of legally vetted contract templates or agreement templates to get started. Then, customize them for your business and save them as your own templates.

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Integrated e-signing

Use a legally-binding e-signature to speed up the formalities when onboarding a new client. Send it via Bonsai or using your own secure link.

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Gentle reminder emails

Once your contract is sent, set up automatic gentle reminder emails for your clients and receive notifications when they've viewed and signed.

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Frequently asked questions

Can you write contracts yourself?

While you can legally create simple contracts yourself, it is always wise to use a comprehensive, legally reviewed contract to protect yourself from the unknown. At Bonsai, all of our contracts have been carefully reviewed by expert lawyers to ensure that your contract is compliant, comprehensive and enforceable. Sign up for a free trial and explore hundreds of flexible contracts ready for you to get up and running in minutes.

What a business contract should include?

Business contracts need to be bulletproof in order to be enforceable. In short, all pertinent parties should be included in the contract, terms of payments need to be outlined, and key contract dates should also be added to ensure contract validity and compliance. Finally, in order for the contract to be valid, federal, state and local laws must be taken into account to ensure you are protected. Take the risk out of contract compliance, enforceability, and coverage.

What is contract reminder software?

Don’t let your key contract dates expire. With Bonsai Contracts you’ll never miss a contract deadline with the opportunity for contract reminders with just a few clicks. Discover total contract management end-to-end when you start a free trial.