Balance workloads and optimize your team’s time

Manage team capacity, track your budget, tasks and hours and get insights on your business.

based on 1,000+ reviews from

See who's busy and who needs more work

Project view

Get a clear view of where your team's time is spent.

Track against capacity

Let your team track their time in Bonsai.

Log days off

Time off automatically syncs with your planning.

Plan your team's capacity

✓ Set capacity rates
✓ Allocate team hours
✓ Log time off

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Monitor workload in real time

✓ See who’s in the red in real time
✓ Course-correct and stay under budget

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Track utilization & efficiency

✓ Monitor utilization  
✓ See profitability per team member
✓ See time reports per team member

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Keep exploring Bonsai’s features

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Free for 7 days.
Simplify your business operations and consolidate your projects, clients and team into one integrated, easy-to-use platform.

Frequently asked questions

How do I use Bonsai to manage capacity?

Capacity management lets you optimize your available resources and ensures you have enough to meet future demands. With Bonsai, you can get a clear picture of where your team is spending time and what available resources you have. It's an easy way to ensure no one is over or under working, and to plan ahead for future projects.