If you’re a freelance social media marketing manager, then you already know the benefits of working with a social media brief template. However, if you’re making way into the freelance world for the very first time, you may be new to this. But don’t worry. We are going to handle this right here, and for the remaining part of your freelance career, social media brief template will be part of your daily life.
So, why do you need a social media brief template as a freelancer?
A social media brief template is essential for creating a strategy for managing different social media networks for your client. It provides the clients with workable solutions for some of the most annoying problems or situations they face on social media. With the template, you can offer various solutions that enable your clients to use social media to grow their businesses, market their products and services, or pass their message across properly, which is the main reason why they hired you to do the job. Otherwise, why would they have you if you’re not adding any value to your business. In short, it'll help you land a social media management contract.

Here’s how you can accomplish all that and more.
1. Active listening and engagement with followers with the social media brief template
The social media brief template offers a roadmap regarding how to maximize social media. It's essentially a social media marketing proposal. That roadmap would be incomplete and ineffective if it doesn’t encourage freelance clients to develop a habit of actively listening and engaging with their followers on social media. Failure to listen or engage with followers is one of the worst mistakes consultants – and the clients they serve – can make on social media.
With a social media brief template, you can achieve all these without much struggle. While your client can still engage their followers without necessarily using this tool, it’s much more effective and convenient to use a social media brief template. One, it’s easier to monitor your progress and share only what’s relevant to your client’s followers. Again, you can easily stay tuned to all the activities taking place within your client’s social media networks. So, make use of the social media brief template to actively listen and engage with your client’s followers.
2. Quick response to inquiries with the social media brief template
How quickly do your clients respond to inquiries on social media? Do they even look at the complaints and suggestions? Do they go through the different issues that their own customers raise? For any business to thrive, the client should answer the customers’ questions as soon as possible, and if your client isn’t doing this, then there’s a problem. Since they’ve hired you to do the job, it’s your responsibility to help them achieve this.
Therefore, the social media brief template should hint at the solutions you are willing to offer in this regard. More importantly, it should be about encouraging the freelancer’s clients to develop a habit of responding to inquiries quickly. That’s the only way to keep the business healthy. Just make sure the social media brief template addresses particular needs of the customers and on time. Make sure your client is regularly checking on the complaints and suggestions raised by the customers.
3. Encouraging social recommendations with the social media brief template
A recent study concluded that 84 percent of people make decisions on what to buy based on social media recommendations. For this reason, consultants have to find ways of encouraging their clients to take social media recommendations seriously. Numbers don’t lie, as has been stated multiple times. Clients should know how to manage what clients see. This doesn’t mean lying or keeping some stuff from them. It simply means taking charge of the narrative.
Your client may not know how to go about this, but that’s why they’ve hired you to take care of their social media accounts. Make sure your client is informed of what’s going within the social networks, and help them understand the value of social media recommendations. Help the client manage what their customers see, to attract more and more of them. With a social media brief template, you have all this at your fingertips, but still you need to put in extra effort to help your client achieve this.
4. Attracting new customers with contests with the social media brief template
Along with a brand ambassador contract template, contests play a critical role in attracting new customers to any business. Everyone gets excited about contests as they open doors for better things. Nowadays, social media contests are popular with users around the globe. Better yet is the news that the contests open the doors for brands and small businesses to get clients from all over the world. They are worth talking about on the social media brief template as part of the strategy that helps the freelancers to increase their clients’ brand awareness.
So, make use of the social media brief template to talk about the upcoming contests as part of increasing your client’s brand awareness. Who knows, this could open new business opportunities for your clients and that will raise your status as a freelancer. However, make sure whatever you include in the social media brief template concerning the contests is genuine, or else it might ruin your client’s business.
5. Talking about the client’s blog with the social media brief template
Does the client have a blog? Then the social media campaign would be incomplete if it fails to direct the client’s customers to the blog or website. The client’s blogs and websites contain content that’s relevant to the customers, and that’s why they need to be directed to them. The whole strategy that a consultant comes up with must lead to more traffic to the client’s blogs and websites.
The engagement must never stop at social media sites. Instead, it has to go to the next level. Only then would the client benefit fully from the consultant’s social media campaigns and strategies. Therefore, make use of the social media brief template to direct the client’s customers to their blog or website to drive higher traffic for your clients.

6. Investing in social ads with the social media brief template
Social ads are crucial for many reasons. The ads are perfect for brands – including individuals and small businesses – that are yet to attract a large pool of followers to their social media profiles. Leading consultants recommend paying for ads that promote the brand’s free offers. Such offers often include gated content, guides, and eBooks to mention a few. The goal is to use social ads to build your following and convert the followers into subscribers and clients.
Your clients depend on you to deliver results, and you can only get here by investing in social ads. Again, make sure your social media brief template includes this as part of the strategy to help drive more customers to your client’s business.
In conclusion, it’s worth reiterating the fact that social media brief template is a tool worth investing in and preparing. Be ready with this 1-2-page document and use it religiously with all your clients. You will soon see its results as more customers see your professionalism. The fact that the brief offers a roadmap that defines what you will achieve, and the results clients should expect from you helps to put their hearts and minds at ease.