Do you plan to set up a new freelance ad agency? In that case, you would need a good plan in addition to other assets to pull this through. Success is possible as long as you know what is required to run this type of consultancy. Along with a contract for advertising, a creative brief is a must-have in your office if your dream is to grow the business and manage your projects better.
Why? It helps you in many ways than you could ever imagine, as you will see below.

1. An advertising creative brief provides a better understanding of your audience
The advertising creative brief is a short document. For this reason, it must be precise. Fill it with nothing other than the most essential details. Nevertheless, it possesses the exact type of information you need to understand your clients and project better. Freelancers who know and define their target markets have a much higher chance of succeeding in the most competitive niches regardless of other factors that could be at play.
The advertising creative brief is the first of the many tools that could help you in this regard.
2. An advertising creative brief transforms the consultancy to function like a well-oiled machine
Yes, the brief can present the right picture to clients about the current condition of your business. It’s important to not only paint but also present the correct picture. A good business thrives, as long as you manage it well despite the challenges encountered daily. Freelance clients prefer handing their projects to consultants who know what they are doing. Whether that is you or somebody else will come out clearly in the brief.
3. Open and consistent communication with clients using an advertising creative brief
The advertising creative brief establishes the lines of communication. Thereafter, you have to sustain the communication openly and more consistently lest your consultancy suffers. Without these clear lines of communication, you would understand why many people and businesses around the world dislike consultancies and their owners. Communicate openly with everybody who works with you to see the project handled excellently.
4. Introduce your team and support with an advertising creative brief
In many niches, a single consultant could offer all the services that clients need. However, as more freelancers discover, it pays to work with a team. Otherwise, you may not perform optimally, and this could cause you to submit substandard work to clients. For this reason, it’s crucial that you surround yourself with the right team and support. There is no shame in admitting that you don’t know everything and hiring those who do instead.
Clients will not run away from you because you seek help or support from other professionals. The best consultants seek help!

5. Aiming for the best clients with your advertising creative brief
In the world of consultancies, the best will always attract the best. Occasionally, you could find yourself with a few unkind and annoying clients. However, your aim should always be to find the best. You can do that with a best of knowledge, which is obtainable and presentable in creative briefs. Design the sort of brief that shows your consultancy is prepared to handle the best regardless of how complex the project is.
6. Put more emphasis on your strengths in your advertising creative brief
It’s good to tell clients what you can or can’t do! There’s no shame in doing that. However, your emphasis should be more on your strengths. Have a laser focus on your strengths; that is, the qualities that make you stand out from the rest of the consultants who offer similar services. Let the client in on your main attributes. Direct the clients’ attention to what you – and only you – can do better than anyone else.
As shown here, the advertising creative brief can help you to grow your ad consultancy.