What is a Contractor Quote Template?
Before a project can begin, a client will usually request a quote. Sometimes ‘quote’ is used interchangeably with ‘estimate’, ‘proposal’ and ‘bid’. However, each of these are slightly different. Quotes focus on the costs associated with a project and generally come with an expiry date. A contractor quote template ensures all details are included for the client. Along with the total cost for the project, quotes should also have:
- An overview of the project with the quote number
- A detailed breakdown of what is and isn’t included
- A breakdown of labor and material costs to help your client understand the price
- Terms and conditions that apply to the job
- Contact details - phone numbers, email, and the physical address for your business
- How long the quote is valid for
Contractors work across almost all industries. However, a construction quote is one of the more common types and quotes for a graphic designer, marketer or engineer take a similar format to a construction quote. Using a quote template makes sending quotes faster and easier. It also delivers the information potential customers have requested in an easy to understand way that helps them decide on the best person for their project.
Note: Customising a contractor quote template from Bonsai is easy! Simply sign up with Bonsai, download the template and get started with your free construction quote right away.
What to Include in the Contractor Quote
A construction quote outlines all the elements of a project and gives the set price for a job as long as it is agreed within the timeframe provided and the project specification doesn’t change. Detailed quotes take time to put together as they do more than provide a cost estimate, they also show you understand the project requirements through planing and pricing each of the elements.
General Information
The top section of your quote includes all of the standard record keeping details along with contact information so the client can get in touch to engage you for the work. Your company logo, colours, and branding should be evident throughout the document. General information includes:
- A quote number
- Your business name
- Company address, phone number and email address
Construction Project Details
A large part of quotes is taken up with the project details. Construction projects sometimes have multiple elements for the hiring process and a quote may need to be followed by a bid or even a proposal that shows how your construction company will add further value to the project being planned. Similarly for other types of contractor business, there may need to be a little bit of negotiation on the first quote you submit. Noting the quote version is wise as it avoids confusion.
Whatever the process is for the construction companies pitching for the business, a quote still needs to provide a detailed description of the work, the site the construction will take place and the scope of the work you are quoting for. You’ll also need to make sure you note the following:
- Quote date and expiry
- Who the quote has been prepared for and by
- Outline of the work
- Location for the project
- Scope of work - what your quote does and does not include
Job Quote
After going through the details of the work, it’s time to get to the point of the quote - the costs for construction. It is not enough to provide an estimated cost for any of the elements detailed in your quote. Make sure you are specific with unit prices so you can price the job precisely - a quote goes beyond a construction estimate and gives the exact cost of completing the project.
Begin with the total cost and then break this down into line items that clearly show:
- Labor cost
- Plant hire costs
- Material costs
- Construction project management fees
- Sub contractor charges
- Supervision and consultancy costs
Complex projects may require the addition of line items for a more detailed breakdown of costs. For example, labor costs may need to be detailed by trade or subcontractor or material types may need to be given.
Terms and Conditions for the Quote
Construction quotes can often form all or part of the contact for work. Therefore, it’s advisable to include relevant terms and conditions for completing the project. It’s unlikely that your terms and conditions will change with each new project, so these can become a standard element for your quote template. It is advisable to review these periodically to ensure they remain in keeping with the types projects you frequently bid for.
Terms and conditions may include payment terms, which could be tied to project milestones or a regular periodic invoicing cadence. How major equipment will be supplied, additional contractors engaged or a process for managing changes to the project once work has begun can also be spelled out in this section.
Confirmation that the quote you have provided has been agreed to by the client needs to be given in writing. The agreement section is the final part of the quote template and arguably the most important.
How to Write a Contractor Quote Template
There is a marked difference between a quote and an estimated cost. Using quote templates make the process of writing them easier, but you will still need to take time to plan and price each element of the job. An estimate form often precedes a quote because it is a ‘best guess’ for the cost of proposed work.
Whether you are providing construction services or knowledge services, your quote needs to be specific and detailed. Each aspect of the work needs to be priced. A quote gets into the nitty-gritty and gives a thorough and exact breakdown of all associated costs.
Begin with the Job Details
Construction work relies on a clear plan and drawings. In order to deliver a thorough quote, you need to understand every aspect of the work and have a clear idea of how you’ll go about it. Assess the site and request a copy of architectural drawings from the customer. Use these calculations and measurements to create a professional document with line item detail for all materials.
Take Your Time
A professional quote takes time to produce. A lot of work researching materials, checking with suppliers and confirming the hourly rate for subcontractors or cost of additional resources such as plant hire is needed. A mistake with your quote could cost you dearly if you have neglected to include other services that are integral to the work or have miscalculated the quantity of certain materials.
Using a construction quote template can make the process easier. Quote templates ensure that every element is covered and leaves you a little mental space to focus on getting the details of the quote correct.
Proof Your Quote Before Sending
Once you have completed the quote, leave it for at least half a day and then go over it again. Look for typos, spelling mistakes, errors in your calculations. A professional quote is more likely to be accepted than one riddled with mistakes. Always present yourself and your company in the best possible light by ensuring your quote is mistake free.
Once you are happy with the quote, make a copy and remove all customized details that tie it to the job you are quoting for. This can then be used as your personal template for future quotes. Elements such when and how you like to be paid, quote validity periods, and other terms and conditions can remain. Sections to customize will include your clients’ details and other parts that have been stripped from the document you created.
Creating a Contractor Quote Template is Simple with Bonsai
Starting with a construction quote template makes the entire quoting process a little easier and faster. While a construction estimate leaves room for error, a quote needs to be exact to ensure you win the business and make a profit from the work. A great construction quote is clear and easy for your customer to follow. Using quote templates gives you the assurance you have not left anything to chance.
Providing your customer with a clear quote is easy with Bonsai’s free construction quote template. Sign up now and customize your quote template today.
Construction companies have little time for the process of creating quotes, yet without a quote, it’s unlikely clients will employ you for their job. Quotes, proposals and more templates that make pitching for work easier and faster are improving the process for construction professionals.
Contractor quote template FAQs
How do construction loans work?
A construction loan are more complicated than traditional home loans as the funds are drawn out periodically to cover the different stages of building. These stages are called ‘draws’. A construction loan can have seven or more draws in which funds are released to cover specific elements of the construction process. The lender determined the amounts and timing for each draw.
Which construction jobs pay the most?
Construction jobs offer long term security, many chances for advancement. and depending on the particular profession, a sizable income. The top three highest paying construction professions are:
- Construction Superintendent
- Civil Engineer
- Construction Manager
Can construction commence without a permit?
Construction work requires a number of permits before it can go ahead. Lot approval is the first step for building. This ensures the land in question is an approved building site. After lot approval comes zoning permits, this ensures the right type of building - residential, commercial, industrial or other, is being built on the land in question. Written approval from the planning commissioner for your area is also required to ensure the building you wish to construct is in keeping with local covenants and ordinances.