The perfect video brief template is the key you need for opening all manner of doors in your freelancing business. For this reason, you need to learn how to draft a highly professional one. Practice writing the best brief template in the realization that it will get you what you want. Here, the secret is to communicate clearly. The purpose of clear communication is to inform clients that you understand the concepts you are talking about, which are critical for the successful completion of the project.

How should you write and present a killer brief and what should it have?
1. Clarify the purpose of the video in the video brief template
Clients need some clarifications to understand the purpose of the video they just asked you to prepare for them. As a freelance video producer, you have more understanding of this matter than them. For this reason, you are better placed to offer an objective summary or insight regarding the video. The focus should be on the content. The manner of presentation also matters. Is there something that’s worth changing on the video so that it achieves its purpose effectively? Use stories well in the client’s video to pass the right message across!
2. Clarify the target audience in the video brief template
In order for freelancers to prepare videos for their clients, some understanding or knowledge regarding marketing would be necessary. Remember, you can help your clients to produce the right videos that capture their target audience’s imagination only if you understand marketing well. Remember that the video has to resonate with its target audience. Even if you lack marketing nous, you should still spend time with the client gaining more information regarding the type of audience the video is aimed at. Use the video brief template to clarify such issues.
3. Include in your video brief who or what should feature on the video?
Many freelancer video producers don’t appreciate the importance of the subject on the video. Some put more emphasis on the storytelling aspect of video production and marketing. As previously stated, storytelling is essential to the success of the video as a marketing tool. However, do not put it on a higher pedestal than the subject of the whole video! Is the client’s business the subject? Is the subject of the client’s product or service? Then, the focus should be on it. After all, the subject is the reason for the video.

4. Include in your video brief template how will the storytelling take place?
By now, you already understand and appreciate the importance of storytelling in video production for marketing. The next issue that’s worth addressing on the video brief template is that of how the storytelling happens. In many cases, clients will give you carte blanche to act as you wish! Nevertheless, some clients will want in on the details no matter how insignificant it all seems. Consequently, they spend time talking with clients on this matter. Let them explain how they want you to proceed. Also, don’t forget to share your ideas with them.
5. Include in your video brief sample what style should the video have?
Lastly, the video brief template has to address the issue of style. It’s important for the target audience to identify with the style. The style is important for many reasons. For starters, it creates the first impression on the audience’s mind. Therefore, it’s crucial to settle on a style that fits in with the client’s brand, personality, and aesthetics. As a freelance video producer and marketer, you should possess a deep knowledge of style. Share the different styles with your clients too and help them choose what is most likely to work well for them.
Therefore, put these into practice to impress your client with the video brief template.