Designing a website can be made simple and fun by using website proposal templates. Whether you’re a seasoned web designer, an aspiring entrepreneur, or someone looking to establish themselves in the digital space, website proposal templates are incredibly useful.
In this article, we’ll cover:
- What a website proposal is
- Who might need a website proposal
- The advantages of using a website proposal template
- What you should include in your website design proposal
- Five key steps for writing a website proposal
- The difference between a website proposal, web design, and web developer
- Our tips for how to write a great website proposal
- Choosing a format for your website proposal
- Why you should consider using Bonsai for your website proposal template
- Frequently asked questions.
Let’s begin!
What Is a Website Proposal?
A website proposal is a pre-designed document that outlines all components of a potential website project. It describes an agreement that is drawn up between a web designer and their potential client.
However, there’s more to a website proposal than the cost of services rendered. Website proposals are the recipe for solutions that can be provided, tailored to the client’s specific project needs.
Who Needs a Website Proposal?
Website proposals can be useful to anyone, but web designers, small businesses, corporate organizations, and government agencies are just a few examples of people or entities that could benefit from a website proposal.
What Are the Advantages of Using Proposal Templates?
Time-Saving and Efficiency
Website proposal templates (or website design proposal examples) are essential for efficiency, professionalism, and flexibility. Website proposal templates can easily be personalized for every situation — saving you money and precious time.
Consistent and Professional Appearance
A website proposal template can provide a professional essence to your website proposal, which will elevate your brand’s image.
Visual appeal is one of the benefits of employing a website proposal template. Having visual appeal in your website proposal will communicate professionalism and capture the attention of your potential client.
Standardized Structure and Format
Website proposal templates are designed to include all essential elements of a website proposal, which allows the user peace of mind in knowing that their website proposal is following the gold standard.
Easy Customization for Different Clients
Additionally, website proposal templates change with you. Website proposal templates provide a roadmap for the precise needs of your project. If you want to make “detours” or customize the template further to reflect the intricacies of your project, that can be done with ease.
Website proposal templates can be modified based on your evolving needs and reflect changes based on your clientele.
Clear Organization of Content
Website proposal templates usually offer:
- A table of contents
- Section breakdowns
- Visual elements
- Other methods of organizing content.
This makes them easy to read and edit, while also effectively communicating the key ideas of a project and outlining the finer details in a digestible format.
Improved Communication of Ideas
Website proposal templates provide a comprehensive overview of a project and communicate ideas clearly with the client. This helps everyone to avoid misunderstandings and makes for a smoother proposal experience.
Increased Chances of Winning Projects
We all like winning, and choosing to use a website proposal template is a sure-fire way to exemplify your ability to address a client’s needs.
Streamlined Approval Process
Website proposal templates streamline the approval process in a multitude of ways. They are thorough, efficient, and build client trust.
A well-defined and simple proposal can prompt a client to approve it quickly, as it shows attention to detail and that you value the client’s time by simplifying the process.
What to Include in Web Design Proposals
Cover Page
The cover page of a website design proposal should introduce you or your company and what the proposal is for.
Be sure to include:
- Who has put the proposal together
- Contact details
- Who the proposal is for
- Brand colors and logo.
Designing the Cover Page
The visual appeal of a proposal cover page is very important. Aesthetically pleasing cover pages will attract clients and provide a way for you to actively demonstrate your talent while drawing attention to your brand.
Problem Statement
This section is where you show the client that you understand their exact concerns and expectations. The crux of this statement should address the client's wants and needs — specifically, calling out the client’s pain points will set you apart from the competition.
Now that you’ve crafted an empathetic problem statement, it’s time to demonstrate your ability to provide a solution. There are two key aspects to this solution breakdown that you’ll want to include:
- Responsibilities of the proposal writer within this job
- Benefits of employing the proposal writer for this job.
For instance, circle back to the pain point mentioned in the earlier section and then:
- Cover the work that it will take to rectify it
- Discuss the unique benefits of using your approach.
Do this for as many pain points as you include in the problem statement.
There is a lot to say about deliverables when it comes to writing an effective web proposal, but the main focus should be listing all of the actionable items associated with the project.
Writing a deliverable section with full transparency in mind can save you the risk of potential unmet or unreasonable expectations.
Getting Deep into Deliverables
The deliverables section should reflect the exact work that you intend to complete for a proposed fee. This section should be unambiguous — you’ll be avoiding conflict in the long run if you outline the complete plan in this section.
This section will require you to think about the scope of your project from 50 feet above the project. You’ll want to think about how you’ll feel in six months versus now, and what could arise that might cause a price or time difference.
If you include all of those costs upfront and explain your reasoning, you’ll leave yourself some wiggle room in the future for unplanned occurrences.
The Web Design Process
The web design process is all about timelines. This is where you can showcase your organizational skills!
You should include dates of when you expect to deliver certain updates by, as well as when you’ll need the input of your client on certain tasks.
Expect to send your clients drafts that they will provide feedback on, and this should be accounted for in your timeline.
A Quick Process Checklist for Your Web Design Project
If you’re struggling to put all of the pieces together for your web design project, here are some bullets to summarize the important points:
- Design research (competition, user demographics, etc)
- Sitemaps
- Wireframing (bare bones website plan)
- Initial design (your first attempt — to be sent to the client for a rough estimate of what their website will look like)
- Building & development
- Setup & configuration
- Testing
- Training the client (especially in the instance of a new feature that requires some background knowledge).
Pricing and Fees for Web Design Services
Generating the correct fee based on the work you’ve done can be a challenging part of designing a web proposal. It is recommended that you ask your client what their budget is so that it can create a framework for you to develop your prices within.
However, if you’re a seasoned developer, you may know your market value and choose to communicate those fees upfront.
Breaking Down Your Costs
Providing a cost breakdown to your client is a measure of transparency, while also serving as a reminder to you of where the expectations of your client lie.
Again, this may take practice, but you should expect to outline every single cost associated with your work (even if it seems trivial).
Call to Action, Company Info, and Sign-Off
The final component of your website proposal should recapitulate the entire project. This can include a CTA (call to action), a display of your company logo, or both.
Website proposal templates may have inbuilt prompts for this section, but you’re in the driver’s seat with how you choose to use that space.
Finishing Touches
It is recommended that you review your proposal a few times to iron out any overly verbose sections, grammatical errors, or missed details.
You may want to provide a link to your portfolio so that the client can verify any claims that you’ve made about your aesthetic or abilities.
Additionally, some web developers like to include a pre-prepared contract for easy signing.
How to Write a Website Proposal
Start With a Web Design Proposal Template
Utilizing a website proposal template is a terrific way to start your proposal, as it saves significant time and money. Website proposal templates provide all of the necessary elements of a good web proposal, while also giving you total creative control over what exactly is included in your proposal.
Use Your Best Ideas in All Your Proposals
Don’t hold back on your best ideas, as this could be the difference between landing a client or not.
Your best proposals can be reused (with some tweaking) for all of the clients that you take on. Just be sure to personalize!
Sell Yourself
The web proposal is your time to shine and show your clients what you’re made of. Spend the duration of your proposal addressing their needs and also speaking highly of your accomplishments (with verifiable proof).
It’s a Balancing Act
Avoid arrogance in your proposal. Do not make this proposal about you — make it about your client and your ability to meet (or even exceed) their expectations.
You will want to be thorough in your proposal to set expectations, but avoid disclosing every single minute detail. This is where your creativity and interpersonal skills are needed. If your client is a meticulous, detail-oriented person, they may appreciate the extra attention.
Your web proposal template can reflect the client of your choosing!
Focus the Web Design Proposal On the Client’s Needs
You should gain an understanding of your client’s personality and their interests. The web proposal should catch the eye of whoever reads it, but adding customizations can secure the sale!
Website Proposal vs. Web Design vs. Web Development

Tips for Writing a Brilliant Website Proposal
Writing a great website proposal doesn’t have to be hard, especially if you use a website design proposal template. Here are some of our other top tips:
- Be sure to get in touch with your prospective client before you send your proposal
Introduce yourself, explain what you can do, and then if they express interest, send your proposal over.
- Cost and value are not the same thing
Clients are more interested in value for money, rather than the cost of services. As long as you can provide them with what they will perceive as a good deal, they’ll be willing to pay — and you can always upsell later down the line!
- Lay your proposal out properly
This is where a template can come in handy. Your proposal should be no longer than a single page and laid out in a few sections:
- The overview of the project
- Why they should hire you
- Your pricing
- Your call to action
- Terms and conditions.
- Include portfolio examples
Whether that’s a snapshot of past websites you’ve designed or a link, this is what’s really going to sell you to the client.
- Pay attention to timelines
When can you reasonably deliver the website to your client? Make a note of a proposed timeline — but just be sure you can meet it!
- Proofread before you send!
Professionalism is the key here, especially if you’re cold-calling a potential client. Don’t send out work riddled with errors or they’ll dismiss you straight away!
Choose a Format for Your Website Proposal
Although the website proposal templates contain an array of formats for your web proposal that have been vetted, you should:
- Understand your audience
- Examine for content flow and readability
- Prioritize creativity and visual appeal.
Creating a Website Proposal Is Simple With Bonsai
Though it may seem a little daunting to create your own website proposal from scratch, you won’t have to with Bonsai!
The Hard Work Done for You
Bonsai website proposal templates are crafted with your time at the forefront of development. These ready-made templates will make your proposal drafting process a breeze!
Quality Guaranteed
The website proposal template selection at Bonsai reflects the expertise of the experienced team that creates them. Bonsai knows what a quality website proposal template looks like.
Experienced Freelance Specialists
Through the countless freelancers that Bonsai has worked closely with, they can ensure that your template will provide what you need to succeed in the release of your website proposal.
Why not sign up for Bonsai today and give the free seven-day trial a go? You’ll be creating professional and slick website proposals in no time!