The consultant’s office can be a busy place. However, there are times when a bit of laziness can creep in, especially if the freelancer has a team working under him. The freelancer will not always be in the office to ensure that everybody puts in a proper shift. The business still needs to run smoothly even when you’re not in the office. You can invest in the Mac time-tracker as a way of solving what could potentially develop into a massive problem for your business.
Below are different ways the Mac time-tracker can help you solve unique freelancing problems.
1. Capture off-days with the Mac time tracker
Freelancers can fail to show up at the office for various reasons. The main one is sickness. The problem gets worse when a consultant works all alone in the business and has no help from anyone else. Most freelancers can’t afford to take sick days. The fact that sick days mean losing money doesn’t just appeal to these hard workers. The time-tracker can capture information regarding the days you never showed up for whatever reason.
This piece of information helps you to prepare for a low-income month where applicable.
2. Enhance work-life balance with the Mac time tracker
The time-tracker is a powerful tool for enhancing the perfect work-life balance too. The freelance economy needs consultants who strike a good work-life balance. Their overall health and the success of their business depends on it. The need for striking this balance increases the more the freelancer works from home. The temptation to work continuously while ignoring the family or other aspects of your life can be too much. Use the tracker to discipline yourself.
3. Prepare for the lean period with the Mac time tracker
Mac time-tracker keeps information that you could always go back to check or study. This way, you would realize when the lean period strikes. The lean periods without work represent one of the challenges you have to be ready to deal with and overcome in freelancing circles. The most notorious period for this is towards the end of the year when the holidays draw nearer. The time-tracker can help you to plan adequately for that.
4. Push your value up with the Mac time tracker
Freelancers should be the biggest believers in themselves! Clients may be unwilling to consider you one of the best. After all, most of them probably want to pay you low rates despite expecting the heaven from you. Be ready to look at the Mac time-tracker and learning or internalizing all the lessons it throws up at you. One of the most important lessons you will capture is that your time and skills are valuable. Charge the rates that make this point clear!
5. Calculate un-billed hours with the Mac time tracker
Now that you know that your time is precious, you should never struggle with the problem of failing to bill all your hours correctly. That should only happen when you don’t have a tool as powerful and effective as the time-tracker by your side. Use it to calculate all the hours accurately. Make sure that you rely on the information it captured to bill your clients properly. This way, your business benefits as more money comes in.
6. Overcome financial stress with the Mac time tracker
You may not realize the crucial role the Mac time-tracker can play in helping you to overcome financial stress. The leans times mentioned above could lead to a period of massive stress for you. Freelancers rarely have work available to them round the clock every day of the year. For this reason, you should rely on the time-tracker to put you in a good place to prepare for that. How? By helping you identify the busiest and most financially rewarding periods of the year.
Are you running a business? You will find the Mack time tracker useful too
Today, workers can get distracted too easily thus interfering with their ability to do the work you employed them for. The distractions can affect performance and productivity. The quality of work also drops depending on the distractions the workers face in the office. A good manager has to provide solutions to something that could be a huge problem. The solutions have to come early too. A Mac time tracker is one of the best solutions in this regard.
1. The Mac time tracker is a lifesaver
The time tracker is a powerful tool capable of saving your life. It protects your reputation too. It’s one of the systems worth introducing in the office to help everybody to perform at optimal levels. The software serves several purposes. As previously stated, it provides a clear picture of how each worker spends time in the office. Do the workers spend most of the time on productive or non-productive activities? The tracker will give you a better picture.
2. The Mac time tracker is the best reminder
However, the tracker also acts as a reminder. It reminds employees that they are behind schedule in performing the tasks you assigned each one of them. This way, the workers would then stop what they are doing and focus on the reason for being in the office in the first place as part of your team. Apart from that, the tracker also serves as a disciplinary assistant. It also motivates employees who feel ill-equipped or uninspired to work on the projects.
3. The Mac time tracker contains useful features
The Mac time trackers have many useful features as well. For example, you can use the software to help you with financial management tasks. The trackers – at least some of them – are capable of generating invoices for all the projects you completed successfully and handed over to the clients. Business owners who invest in these trackers can rest safe in the knowledge that the programs are giving them value for money.
4. The Mac time tracker is perfect for remote workforce
A time tracker is also a great tool to spend money on if you generally hire remote workers. It is ideal for employers who are not in the same locations as their workers. As you probably know, it’s harder to manage a team that is far away from you. In such cases, you would require different systems. In fact, the Mac time tracker is one of the best tools – coupled with other strategies – you must employ to manage your team remotely.
5. The Mac time tracker detects idle time easily
The time tracker detects any idle time too. It doesn’t create too much of a fuss but operates stealthily. It creates a new session automatically when the employee using it starts the timer. It’s also ideal for encouraging your workers to organize their work and records better. They can use it to arrange clients’ information based on hourly rates, names, and addresses. This way, you get an easier time pulling off records for any worker or client.
6. The Mac time tracker is compatible with Mac devices
The best Mac time tracker runs on all Mac-based devices. For this reason, you can access it on the Mac PC, laptop, web browser, and phone. What is more, you can synchronize it with your Apple Watch thus offering you the chance to monitor your team even when you’re out exercising. The tracker is also easier to integrate with any other Mac-related app that you use for running the company.
Use the Mac time tracker for tracking your workers’ time sheets. Use it to set timers as well as time limits for each task you assign an entire team or individual members. With this powerful and highly effective tool, you can log in and click the timer easily. The tracker has a clean and streamlined design that gives you all kinds of pleasures while using it. Therefore, install the tracker today and see your team’s performances and productivity surpass your expectation.