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Five Top Tips to Grow Your Agency

Updated on:
January 15, 2025
Discover Bonsai all-in-one business management software.

Recent figures show that 37% of agencies don’t have a clearly defined content marketing strategy, whilst 10% don’t use content marketing at all. These figures speak for themselves. To grow and develop an agency, effectively managing marketing strategies is key.

One of the easiest ways to do so is through Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. Statistics reveal that agencies who use CRM see crm.org/crmland/crm-statistics" id="">three times more sales than those who don’t. CRM supports agencies by providing a streamlined business management platform. Its most basic function is to automate advertising functions, but it can do far more too.

CRM software can also be used to store client data and enable client portals, so customers have access to their details and projects. Some CRM packages, such as Bonsai’s, also come with automated invoicing, payment, and financial reporting facilities. They offer white-label software and enable the tracking of projects, whilst allowing others to collaborate on them.

Once an agency has CRM software in place and starts to reap the benefits, there are new challenges to overcome. As with any business, growth means there is far more to manage. As sales increase, the more demands there are for invoicing, accounting, and workflow management.

These are all challenges which Bonsai can help overcome. Read on to discover our five top tips on how to grow your agency.

1. Use CRM Software to Help Your Agency Grow

CRM is an essential tool for any agency. This software does more than just store customer data – it understands what drives them. This enables marketing to be targeted strategically to the customers most likely to benefit from it. In turn, agencies see significant growth in sales.

More than that, CRM software provides tools for effective business management. It automates marketing campaigns, tailoring them to clients. As a result, the use of CRM improve the agency’s relationship with its clients.

Customers also benefit from the use of CRM. They receive a more streamlined service, giving them a better experience. This ensure they have a positive impression of the agency and encourage repeat business.

Bonsai are an industry leader in CRM software. Their product allows agencies to organize and manage client and project data. From the first point of contact, agencies can upload a new client’s details into Bonsai’s CRM system to create a client profile. All the client’s details and data are then stored on there.

Bonsai’s CRM software offers a client portal, where client details can easily be stored in one place. (CRM for Small Business & Client Portal - Bonsai (hellobonsai.com))

With these simple to use client profiles, there’s no risk of customer data being lost. Since the details are stored digitally, the need to keep space-consuming paperwork is removed. And the time wasted finding their details is irradicated as the client profile can be accessed in one click.

As your agency grows, this is even more important. More clients equates to more data. But with Bonsai’s CRM technology, there is no limit to how many client profiles can be added. This means that Bonsai enables agencies to grow without the need to invest in additional software as they do.

Another useful feature of CRM is that it allows agencies to target and automate their marketing. An effective marketing strategy is essential to the growth and success of every business. However, introducing and maintaining a strategy can be costly and time consuming.

With Bonsai’s CRM package, agencies are provided with a hassle-free way to manage their marketing. With the possibility to embed slick lead capture forms on an agency’s website, leads are then centralized. Leads, along with customer data, are stored in the client portal. Leads can be automatically followed up by the CRM software.

Bonsai CRM enables agencies to win and manage new leads (Marketing Business Software - Bonsai (hellobonsai.com))

Bonsai can help your agency grow by providing an effective, easy-to-use CRM package. This helps manage client data and improve the efficiency of marketing strategies.

2. Use White Label Software to Promote Your Agency

White labelling software enables agencies to remove the branding from their software provider. Instead of emails to clients showing the developer’s name and logo, clients will see the agency’s brand. As such, the customer is reminded of the agency’s name and brand once more.

This helps to increase brand awareness and keeps clients thinking about the agency. Moreover, it appears to the client that the software being used is the agency’s. This promotes a more professional brand image, leading to increased custom. To the client’s eye, marketing emails, invoices and payments are all hosted by the agency.

Bonsai’s white label facility allows agencies to customize all client communication and the client portal. When customers receive marketing or invoices from the agency, it’s branded the way the agency feels is most suitable. Everything from the color to the branding is fully customizable. This provides agencies with extra opportunities to promote their brand.

Bonsai’s white label facility is fully customizable, letting agencies promote their brand on client communication (What is Bonsai white labeling? | Bonsai Help Center (hellobonsai.com))

Using white labeling also lets agencies offer additional services without having to develop new products. White label partnerships mean that agencies can use the expertise of other companies to offer services under their own brand. For example, an agency engaged in sales could partner with a manufacturer or supplier to sell their product. The product would be listed on the agency’s website and the sale of the product would be facilitated by the agency’s payment portal.

At no point during the transaction would the client see any other brand. They would be unaware that the agency was selling a product which had not been designed, produced, or marketed by them. As a result, agencies can grow whilst avoiding expansion, purchase, and storage costs. This also benefits the product supplier, who has access to an additional sales platform. They also get access to the agency’s customers who previously would not have been aware of the product’s existence. Likewise, clients benefit from access to an increased range of products without having to look elsewhere.

When using Bonsai, this is even easier as agencies can collaborate with others on projects. This means agencies can grow by working with expert subcontractors in their fields. There is no limit to how many subcontractors can be added and collaborated with. Therefore, agencies can grow as little or as much as they choose, diversifying into new fields whenever it suits them.

3. Use a Financial Management Product to Help Your Agency Grow

As an agency grows and the number of clients and sales increase, so does the need to issue invoices and manage payments. This can be time consuming and expensive, often taking up a lot of manhours. The time spent on these mundane tasks could’ve been used on projects to enhance growth. Without an effective way to manage invoicing and payments, these is also a risk that invoices may be missed.

Therefore, it’s essential to have the appropriate technology to take care of this. Often, this means subscribing to several software packages. One for invoicing, one for payments, and one for accounting.

Bonsai’s software provides an all-in-one package. This allows agencies to issue invoices, take payments, and track payments.

When using Bonsai, the invoicing process is fully automated. Agencies can make use of premade invoice templates which can be customized using the white labelling tools. Invoice templates cover everything from the most basic sales invoices to complex legal and accountancy invoices. An online invoice generator is also provided. This free tool lets agencies create invoices for any product or service. They can be branded with the agency’s logo, colors and even typeface. Once complete, it can be downloaded and emailed to the client with a link to Bonsai’s secure payment portal.

Furthermore, it’s possible to add products to any of these templates to sell packages. These can be from Bonsai’s library of frequently used products or custom packages created for your agency.

Bonsai’s automated invoicing software allows agencies to build and sell packages to clients (Business Invoicing Software - Online Invoices - Bonsai (hellobonsai.com))

Automatic reminders can be set up, with the option to add late fees if an agency wishes to charge for them. When a client receives and reads their invoice, the agency is sent a read-receipt, leaving no doubt that the invoice has been delivered.

Agencies can also decide how and when they would like to be paid. Invoices can be set to be paid in one upfront payment, a deposit with full payment on delivery or through recurring payments. These can be set-up at whatever frequency is deemed necessary.

Once a client has received an invoice and is ready to pay, they can make payment through Bonsai’s payment system. Like the invoicing software, the secure payment portal is completely automatic. Customers can pay agencies using a credit card, PayPal, or Stripe.

Bonsai’s payment system can handle payments in over 100 different currencies. This makes it easy for agencies to grow by working with international clients.

Invoices and payments managed by Bonsai are automatically tracked. It’s easy to generate reports in the bookkeeping suite to provide instant, real-time data. This information can be used to track profit and loss accounts and to create tax estimates on a quarterly and annual basis. Bonsai can be integrated with accounting software, like QuickBooks, too.

Bonsai’s financial management software allows agencies to track and manage their financial data (Accounting Software for Self-Employed - Bonsai (hellobonsai.com))

With a comprehensive financial management product, such as Bonsai’s, agencies spend less time chasing money and more time making it.

4. Keep Projects on Track to Grow Your Agency

As your agency grows, keeping track of projects can become increasingly difficult. With more projects and more staff to manage, it’s important to know that time is being used efficiently. It’s also essential to understand where time is being spent to ensure clients are billed appropriately.

Without an effective software in place to keep track of this, time can easily be misattributed or even lost. This could result in manhours not being billed. Where agency staff track time manually, there’s also a risk that the time spent in doing this is taking away from time spent on projects.

By using Bonsai’s time-tracking software for project managements, these risks are irradicated. Team hours can be automatically tracked with reports generated to show the amount of time being spent on each project.

Bonsai’s time-tracking facility lets agencies keep track of working hours spent on projects (Business time tracking software - Bonsai (hellobonsai.com))

By doing so, clients can be billed for all the hours spent on their project and there’s no danger that billable hours may be missed. Bonsai’s time-tracker can be fully integrated with the invoicing system, meaning that invoices can be generated with reliable data in just a few clicks. Clients also benefit as they can see accurate timesheets for their projects.

With no limit to how many projects can be tracked at any time, your agency can grow without the worry of time going unbilled.

5. Use Subcontractors to Help Grow Your Agency

As an agency grows, more staff may need to be hired to undertake the extra work. If an agency is growing by expanding into new fields, it may also be necessary to hire experts in these fields.

Employing fresh staff can be a lengthy and costly process. Since the end of the global pandemic, agencies around the world have been facing growing recruitment struggles. In many cases, being unable to find suitable new hires can be the biggest hurdle to an agency’s growth.

One way to avoid these problems, and mitigate the risk of hiring the wrong recruit, is to use freelancers. Freelancers are experts specializing in one area. They work as sub-contractors for agencies, to assist with new or existing projects.

Bonsai offer a subcontractor management system, allowing agencies to grow their talent pool. All new subcontractors can be onboarded to the agency’s software, allowing them to work as if they were a full-time employee.

Bonsai’s CRM software allows agencies to share their work with other, including subcontractors (CRM for Small Business & Client Portal - Bonsai (hellobonsai.com))

With the ability to share project details and invite others to collaborate, it’s simple to integrate freelancers into existing projects. The agency can set how much access any collaborator has, avoiding the risk of confidential data being exposed.

Grow Your Agency With Bonsai

Bonsai can help grow your agencies with all these included features (Business Software for Designers - Bonsai (hellobonsai.com))

Bonsai provide the tools for agencies to grow, no matter how they intend to increase their client base and product offering. They offer a wide range of features in addition to CRM services. When agencies subscribe to a Bonsai CRM package, they automatically receive access to financial management software.

Agencies can then issue invoices, making use of ready-made templates and handle payments through a secure online payment server. All of which can be integrated with existing accounting software.

Time-tracking software is also included, meaning agencies can keep track of where employees’ hours are being spent. This integrates with the invoicing system, meaning clients receive detailed and accurate bills.

Bonsai also lets agencies select a package including a white labelling facility. This can help to grow your agency by promoting brand awareness and portraying a more professional image.

One of their packages facilitates all of this, plus the ability to add subcontractors. This means it is easy to grow your agency without the worry of hiring new staff.

How Much Does Bonsai Cost?

Bonsai offers three packages to suit agencies’ needs (Bonsai - Pricing (hellobonsai.com))

Bonsai’s pricing structure is clear and simple. There are no extra fees for any of these services. Agencies can simply select the package that best suits them. Each of the three packages includes CRM software with unlimited clients and projects. Invoicing, including all templates, payment facilities, and time-tracking are also included.

Should an agency want to benefit from Bonsai’s white label software, they can select the Professional package. This includes integration with QuickBooks, Calendly, and Zapier to remove the need for additional subscriptions.

Those agencies looking to grow through the use of subcontractors can take advantages of services including subcontractor management tools and onboarding. Bonsai’s Business package includes these facilities and allows agencies to collaborate with an unlimited number of subcontractors.

There is the possibility to add extra services too. For $10 per month, a Team Seat facility or Bonsai Tax can be added. The Team Seat enables agency staff to invite teammates to collaborate with them on projects. Bonsai Tax helps agencies to estimate quarterly taxes, track expenses, and identify write-offs. As some agencies may not need to use these services, having them available as add-ons means that agencies are never paying for software they won’t use.

What’s more, Bonsai’s package is designed to grow with agencies. With no lengthy subscription fees, agencies are never tied into hard-to-exit contracts. It’s possible to switch between all three of Bonsai’s packages at any point. As an agency grows, therefore, they can move up to a higher plan. This way, there’s no need to pay for the most expensive package before it’s needed.

If an agency feels they don’t need some of the features, it’s also possible to downgrade their package at any time. Cancelation is always free, too. And with no contracts, plans can be cancelled without an extended notice period.

How to Get Started With Bonsai

Bonsai’s software is easy to use and quick to set up. As soon as you subscribe, your agency will have full access to Bonsai right away. It takes just 30 seconds to register, and all new users are offered a seven-day free trial.

Even during the free-trial period, users get access to all of Bonsai’s features. Agencies can put their growth plans into action as soon as they have signed up. With no contract or commitment to buy, agencies are able to assess Bonsai’s suitability. On completion of the trial, they can subscribe for a single monthly fee to whichever of the three packages is most suited to them.

Bonsai offers a seven-day free trial for all new users (Bonsai - Business management software (hellobonsai.com))

Bonsai offers extensive features, including CRM software, a financial management product, time-tracking, and subcontractor management. Combined, these features are designed to help grow your agency.

Start a seven-day free trial today and see how Bonsai can help your agency grow.

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