You spend so much time and put in a lot of effort to make sure every project is a success. Your IT support service is valuable to every client, and when it's time to get paid, you want your invoices to reflect all of your hard work as well. But creating professional invoices is not always a walk in the park. You probably won't have the time after each job to write and proofread the invoice before it is sent out. Luckily, you don't have to.
Many professionals nowadays have their own IT support invoice template to easily fill in the client-specific information and send out perfect invoices every single time. Want to create yours? Let's go over the vital elements you must include to make sure all the important information is always covered and reduce the risk of errors.
Note: Step up your invoicing process using Bosai's all-in-one product suite. Our administrative tools are designed to help you save time and get paid faster for your valuable IT support work. From accounting to invoicing and everything in between, we have just what your small business needs to grow!
Essential Elements of an IT Support Invoice Template
When creating y0ur IT support invoice template remember all the charges and payment instructions must be covered in a simple way so your clients understand exactly what they are paying for. You also want to ensure all business-related information is always in place so your accounting records are ready for a smooth tax season. Here are the elements your invoice template must cover.
Business Information
Start your IT support invoice template with a section for your business name (or your full name) and contact details such as phone number, email address, website, and street address. You can also add a few lines to mention any special certifications or services you offer like 24/7 online support, database maintenance, computer security, file recovery etc.
For more professional invoices include your IT company logo, industry-related imagery, registered trademarks or other branding elements that can make your invoice easily recognizable for your customers.
Customer Information
Next, add a section for your customer's information. Start with their full name (or company name), phone number, billing address and email to easily send digital invoices. When providing services to large companies remember you must address the invoice to the right person (whoever is in charge of the accounts payable department) to avoid delays in payments or misplaced invoices.
Invoice Number and Date
It's important to assign a unique invoice number to help you keep your paperwork well organized and easily refer back to the invoice in case of refunds or clarifications needed. Plus some of your clients might return unnumbered invoices as they also may need to keep clean accounting records. You must also add the invoice date (when it was sent, not generated), which you will can use to determine the payment due date and apply the corresponding late fees.
Services Provided
Make sure your IT support invoice template has enough space for a detailed list of all the services provided (help desk support, debugging, etc...) plus a short description of each, flat rate per service and total price. If you work on an hourly basis, specify the amount of hours spent on each task, the hourly rate and the total cost (for added transparency, attach an hourly timesheet). Any extra charges for travel costs or products sold must be detailed separately along with a description.
When providing the total amount due you need to separately specify the subtotal (cost of services before taxes), then add the applicable taxes, and then list the final amount to pay. If you're giving a discount for a recurring client, referrals or high-volume work, use this section to highlight it. Make sure to subtract the discounted amount from the subtotal before you factor in the sales tax, and provide a short description so your clients can easily identify the reason for the discount.
Payment Details
Pay close attention to the payment section of your IT support invoice template as having the right information is vital to getting paid promptly. First, make sure you provide all the payment methods you accept such as checks, cash, ACH transfers, debit/credit cards, and online payments like Apple Pay, Stripe or PayPal. Don't forget to include the corresponding account numbers, account holder's name and payment links.
Next, you want to disclose your payment terms including the invoice due date, applicable fees for late payments, any payment arrangements you offer and discounts available for early payments. Make all the payment instructions clear and easy to understand for your client.
Invoice Notes
Lastly, include a small section at the bottom of your IT support services invoice template to leave a personal note or a thank you message for your customers. By letting them know how much you appreciate their business you can strengthen your relationship with them which may lead to more work in the future. You could also advertise yourself a bit by mentioning new services available, future promotions or even asking for online reviews and referrals.
Use Our Free IT Support Services Invoice Template
If you don't have spare time to create your own IT support service invoice template, skip the headache and download Bonsai's free invoice template, especially designed for your IT support business. You can fully customize every aspect of the invoice template to fit your needs and save it in your preferred file format (google docs, excel, to create unlimited invoices with minimal effort.
Our IT support invoice template makes it easy for you to professionally bill your clients and get paid faster by integrating multiple payment options. You can also link your business bank account to have instant access to your funds every time an invoice gets paid online. If you want even more efficiency use our complete invoicing software, to automatically send your IT support invoices, payment reminders, apply late fees and get read receipts. Start today, we've got your back!