Working on a market research project involves a lot of work. Knowing that the success of your client lies within your hands, you’ll do everything to make sure you meet their expectations. You don’t want the client to lose trust in you the next minute.
Every market research project starts with a proposal, and as a freelancer, you know this too well. Taking it a bit higher, you may have to help your client put their proposal on PowerPoint.
While it might have been easier to design a research proposal for your client, creating a market research proposal PPT involves a lot more. Summarizing those many pages of a market research on a few slides can be daunting.
However, this shouldn’t get you discouraged. With the market research proposal PPT templates available, the task is simplified.

Here are tips to help you write a good market research proposal PPT.
1. Be precise in your market research proposal PPT
Remember this is a presentation. So, keep it simple and brief.much of the explanation has been done in the market research proposal document, and you’re only using points to explain what’s contained in the document.
Whoever will be presenting has limited time, and, therefore, they could run out of time due trying to go through long sentences. The best way to make it brief is by using bullets to represent your points on the market research proposal PPT. Your sentences shouldn’t be longer than 10 words.
2. Simple language in the market research proposal PPT
Your client will be talking for the better part of the presentation. So, why include those ambiguous words in the market research proposal PPT? The proposal document has enough of these words already, and so, we don’t need them here. Pick out those simple words that are easy to pronounce to give your client an easy time during the presentation.
As you do this, make sure your texts are free from grammatical errors, to give your client a perfect market research proposal PPT.
3. Keep it professional in your market research proposal PPT
A market research proposal should be presented officially. As such, even the market research proposal PPT should reflect this professionalism. While it’s just fine to make the presentation look good, too many design features may distract the audience, who in this case is an important part of the presentation.
If possible, avoid such design features and keep it plain and simple. Additionally, don’t have so many bullets, it will make the slides look a bit busy and boring. Remember, some people will judge the market research proposal PPT by appearance and may lose concentration in the process. So, keep it professional, yet very interesting.

4. Highlight what’s important in your market research proposal PPT
Your client may not get the time to mention everything on the market research proposal PPT slides. Therefore, make it easy for them by highlighting important points. It’s quite involving, but just do it for the sake of your client. Take time to go through the slides and highlight the important details on your pie charts and bar graphs.
You can use contrasting colors to achieve this. Even so, knowing what to highlight and what not to, may require that you understand the project itself. So, also take time to read through the market proposal document.
5. Pick the right tools in your market research proposal PPT
Identify the appropriate means of representing your data. If there’s a finding that needs to be shown separately, don’t embed it in a chart. In most cases, bar charts and pie charts are effective in representing market-related data, but make sure the method you choose suits the given data.
Once you identify the right method for data representation, use it on the market research proposal PPT. With these five tips, you should design a market research proposal PPT that will give your client an easier time during the presentation.