What is a YouTube Marketing Proposal?
Your YouTube marketing proposal establishes you as an expert while showing potential clients exactly how you will leverage the world’s second favorite search engine to increase engagement, leads, and sales for their business.
YouTube marketing has become one of the best avenues for attracting, engaging and converting a target audience for a wide range of businesses and products in the past few years. Your YouTube Marketing proposal needs to serve a few different purposes to win projects…
- Create a positive, professional impression for the prospective client about your digital marketing skills
- Outline the details of your YouTube marketing strategy
- Set the pace for the proposed marketing campaign
- Explain the key metrics you will meet along with milestones and deliverables your service will provide
A great YouTube marketing proposal provides all the information a potential client needs to determine you’re the best marketing partner for their YouTube channel and business. It wins you work and provides a plan you can follow once you’ve won the project.
Putting together a comprehensive YouTube Marketing Proposal is easy when you Sign up with Bonsai. You can download a proposal template for free and start customizing it for your project straight away.
What to Include in the YouTube Marketing Proposal
Your YouTube Marketing proposal needs to give an outline of the video marketing project along with granular detail for each of the elements of the campaign. The more detail you provide, the less room there is for any misunderstanding. You're more likely to win the client’s trust and business too.
Proposal Introduction
Given that your YouTube Marketing proposal is all about video marketing, it makes sense for the company introduction element of your proposal to ditch the written word and begin with a brief introductory clip. Chat about your marketing services and your experience with YouTube ads, videos and digital marketing.
You’ll still need to include a few short lines above or beneath the embedded clip to provide context. Say thanks for the opportunity to submit your proposal, note the name of the client company that the proposal is for and include your marketing business’ name too.
Past Expertise
Instead of listing previous clients along with the names of the campaigns you’ve worked on, provide your potential client with a portfolio of work. Include samples of the YouTube videos you’ve created with details of their target audience reach and any other relevant stats or service major projects accomplished.
Your YouTube video portfolio is a visually engaging way of building trust and interest in your proposal that leads nicely into detailing your YouTube marketing services and strategy development. This section of the proposal should be updated on completion of each new campaign but should be a permanent fixture in your proposal template.
Your YouTube Marketing Strategy Outline
YouTube is much more than the video sharing platform it started out as. It’s a powerful tool for reaching any target audience. 500 hours of video are uploaded each minute and 59% of executives prefer to watch a clip than read text. Whether you’re developing a B2B or B2C marketing strategy, a YouTube channel has the potential to deliver outstanding results.
This section of your YouTube marketing proposal template needs to outline your strategy development along with the details of how YouTube videos will be created, promoted and leveraged to deliver the results any potential clients want.
After clarifying the goals, it’s time to get into the details of your YouTube marketing plan. This includes all of the marketing activities, such as:
- Defining the target audience
- Crafting a message that fits the right stage of the marketing funnel
- Production and promotion phase for the content
Detailing each of these elements in chronological order with milestones and outcomes creates a plan that you can follow once you have been contracted for the work.
YouTube Marketing Strategy Deliverables and Responsibilities
It’s very likely that your YouTube marketing plans will need to be supported by the client’s marketing team and fit with their existing work. Because of this, your YouTube marketing proposal needs to outline responsibilities with the deliverables. This section will change with each new pitch but can be used to create the basis for your own proposal templates.
Qualitative and quantitative research provides the foundation for any strategy - the client company’s marketing team may handle parts of this work. Messaging, marketing funnel positioning for promotional campaigns, and the leading platform for promotion opportunities, are other significant aspects of your YouTube marketing strategy that will need to be developed in partnership with the company to ensure you meet their business goals.
You’ll need to propose how you communicate with the team and which team member is responsible for sign-off on decisions and ensuring information flows freely. After the initial aspects of the campaign direction and messaging have been navigated, your content calendar and schedule for production and promotion can begin moving forward.
Your YouTube marketing proposal should manage company expectations by detailing the project timeline milestones such as deadlines for scripts, storyboarding of videos, completing videos and your promotional agenda with specific social media platforms noted along with any intended google ads.
Pricing and Payment Terms
This part of your proposal document won’t change often, so it’s worth saving it as part of a reusable marketing proposal template. Review this section annually to keep your pricing up to date and in keeping with the types of projects and companies you are pitching for.
Different services will have different costs associated with them. Design services, initial filming, editing, and promotion of finished videos along with other specialized service choices like handling a YouTube account for the client, should be detailed in the pricing and payment section of your proposal.
In order to create a YouTube marketing proposal template, list every single service you offer and remove the ones that are not applicable to the project you are tailoring your marketing proposal for.
You’ll also need to define your payment terms - when the client can expect your invoices and how much time they have to forward payment. This may be an end of the month cadence or tying invoicing to project milestones may make more sense. This won’t change often, so save this as part of your YouTube marketing proposal template too.
YouTube Video Marketing Proposal Acceptance
After all the work putting the marketing proposal together, it’s important to make it as easy as possible for the prospective client to accept it. A few brief lines makes up the acceptance clause. Including the ability for potential clients to give an electronic signature seals the deal faster and helps you win more projects.
How to write a YouTube Marketing proposal
When it comes to writing your YouTube marketing proposal, there’s nothing to stop you from writing the more detailed sections first and then turning to the less involved elements. Often the shorter sections of the proposal rely on information contained in the project description and outline, so addressing these first makes sense. Just make sure you present each element of your proposal in the accepted professional order.
The Project Description
Begin with a succinct yet thorough outline of the client’s YouTube marketing problem. This shows you understand their needs and are likely to have a good grasp of the right solution. It’s also the perfect way to introduce the details of your YouTube marketing proposal efficiently.
Move step by step through the details of the YouTube strategy you are proposing. Give detail on the most significant aspects of the campaign from early stages for creating well researched content through to the four stage process of creating youtube ads and clips - scripting, storyboarding, filming & editing, and onto the promotional aspects to attract maximum leads and boost the company’s overall sales.
Highlight What Sets You Apart
Remember that your YouTube marketing proposal is supposed to be a persuasive document. Highlight your key credentials, note major highlights of YouTube marketing for the client and don’t forget to mention the incredible benefits YouTube marketing can deliver to various business operators.
Including the ROI your existing customers have achieved, or the audience reach your potential customers can expect from YouTube advertising and marketing is a must with proposal writing. This is done partly with your portfolio sections, but should also be reiterated through the details of your strategy development.
Standard Sections
Although most of your time will be spent focused on the bulk of your YouTube marketing proposal - the strategy outline, deliverables and responsibilities, and what sets you apart from the competition - you need to address the standard and somewhat repetitive sections too.
Even if payment terms, pricing and your cover letter have been saved as part of your own YouTube marketing proposal template, you’ll need to take time reviewing these and customizing them for the project you are pitching for.
When finished, leave the proposal for at least half a day and then proofread to make sure it’s error free. A proposal document is different from a quotation, when done well, it easily leads into a contract with the client for their campaign.
Creating a YouTube Marketing Proposal is Simple with Bonsai
There is a lot riding on getting your proposal right. Using a YouTube marketing proposal template ensures nothing is missed and your marketing and YouTube channel skills are presented in the best possible light. It’s a simple and effective way of representing yourself well.
Sign up with Bonsai to download a free YouTube marketing proposal template and start customizing it for your project now.
Proposal templates are a great way of making the pitching process faster and more efficient. The right proposal template gives you more time to work on the projects you enjoy.
YouTube Marketing proposal FAQs
What are the benefits of YouTube marketing?
YouTube has grown phenomenally in the past few years. Videos are shown in Google search results, reach an international audience and are a great way to build brand recognition. The platform crosses age demographics too with 75% of Americans aged 15 and older using YouTube to search, learn and entertain themselves.
How does YouTube marketing work?
YouTube marketing works by attracting customers to a business through engaging, informative or educational video content. YouTube marketing strategies make brands more memorable, create an emotional connection with their audience, and deliver content in one of the most powerful ways - by video.
Why use YouTube marketing?
Regardless of who your ideal audience is, the chances are, you’ll find them on YouTube. YouTube has more than 2 billion logged in monthly users and is the most used digital video platform in America, surpassing even Netflix! It’s also the second most visited website in the world and more than half of B2B decision makers use YouTube to research purchases. YouTube has an excellent audience reach, enables a stronger brand connection, and drives more purchases than nearly any other platform.